Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week in Review 1/11 - 1/15

This week was spent on recording our presentation for our games. Overall it went pretty well. The presentations are going to count as our Semester Exam grades. Multimeida is coming to a close. Second Semester starts in two weeks. We are still working on our Civic Games.


  1. Good luck on your game. I won't be in here to talk to you next semester. :(

  2. Yep glad I am gonna not have a partner next semester.

  3. Woot no more trig next semester but cant wait for the secqual to multimedia

  4. Yeah it went really well. Our game was not finished as well as some others

  5. Yeah it went really well,but our game wasn't done yet either.

  6. Thanks for click for our presentation.

  7. Ethan, sorry I couldn't be there for your game presentation. But I really like your game demo! You and your partner really have excelled at Flash. The questions about the amendments are excellent and I like how you incorporate using the arrow keys to reveal the amendments in the quiz questions. Good sound effects too : )

    Are you continuing in the class this semester? I hope so because I'm looking forward to seeing your continued progress and seeing your completed game!


    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV

  8. Thanks for the encouragement. Some of the code gets really stressful at times.
