Friday, January 29, 2010

Helpful Hints: Part 1

  1. General Naming: Use abbreviations consistently. An abbreviation must clearly stand for only one thing and Use Descriptive Terms so you can easily follow and remember.
  2. Avoiding Reserved Words: Don't use reserved terms for the names of your Variables, otherwise it may cause errors.
  3. Naming Variables: Give each Variable a Unique Name and make sure not to use an obsolete code.
  4. Naming Constants: Constants should be Upper Case
  5. Naming Boolean Variables: Start Boolean variables with the word "is"
  6. Functions and Methods: Use descriptive names, Start function and method names with a lowercase letter, Describe what value is being determined.
  7. Naming classes and objects: Begin with a capital letter
  8. Naming Packages: Put Prefixes in Lowercase Letters
  9. Naming Interfaces: Start Interfaces with a capital "I" Makes it easier to distinguish
  10. Naming Custom Components: Be Consistent

Week in Review 1/25 - 1/29

This week was the start of Multimedia II. We worked on Drag & Drop and the Testing and Debugging sections of our Wiki's. It went pretty well. Drag & Drop is pretty simple to use. Testing And Debugging is really boring and complicated though..

Monday, January 25, 2010

Week in Review 1/19 - 1/22

This was our final week of first semester. We finished up exams and figured out our new semester. Mulitmedia II starts Monday and we will contiune to work on our Civic game as well as indivudial games.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week in Review 1/11 - 1/15

This week was spent on recording our presentation for our games. Overall it went pretty well. The presentations are going to count as our Semester Exam grades. Multimeida is coming to a close. Second Semester starts in two weeks. We are still working on our Civic Games.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week in Review 12/14 - 12/18 (Questions)

1.Have you completed any additional Civics Research for your games?

2.Have you changed your games, if so what educational value does the game possess?
Yup, we've changed it numerous times. The game's educational values relates to the Amendments.

3.What problems, if any did you encounter this week?
No problems.

Week in Review 12/14 - 12/18

This week was spent on our Civic Games PowerPoints. I pretty much got the layout done, as my partner is absent, I haven't gotten a whole lot of it done.