Friday, April 30, 2010

Week in Review 4/26 - 4/30

This week was spent mostly working on finishing our Powerpoints and such. Next week we will be recording our final videos for our games. We only have about 11 days left so things are begining to taper off very much so.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ideals Blog Prompt (April 30)

Comment on Two students blogs.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ideals Blog Prompt (April 23)

The hardest ideals to teach would have to be trying to convey information about the amendments. The amendments are worded in a manner that makes them somewhat difficult to understand. We tried to base the mini-games around what we believed were the main point of them. This way it would be easy for the person to understand what it meant without being confused by the language used.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 18 (Powerpoint Revisions)

Yesterday, we put the rest of the information we needed into our PowerPoint's. We also put sample game scenes as well as the code we used. We did this as the deadline is coming up and we need to make sure we have everything we need done!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ideals Blog Prompts and Assignments (April 15)

News sources generally leave out some facts about civic incident. Facts that could put a different spin on a story. The Internet has been improved fact wise, if you look and are not totally obvlious, you can find the correct information without to much trouble.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ideals Blog Prompts and Assignments

  1. Game Title: The Smelly Closets: What are They Thinkin'?
  2. School: Randolph Technical Center

The game aims to teach about the parties in our goverment. This is importatn becaucse people need to understand each of the parties goals so that they can vote or align with the ones that have the same morals as them. The game uses a format that makes it easier to remember by putting the information into a fun and managable way.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ideals Blog Prompts and Assignments

This is a picture of our original paper prototype for our game. It's kind of funny how much different it is now. Overall, we must have went through about 5 different versions to get to the one we are working on now. We talked to our teacher about how we could make it more civic related and such. This was mostly our collaboration. This relates to civics because its shows where we began and how we got to the point were at.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Civic Blog Prompt - 3/11/2010

The average U.S citizen probably knows very little about the goverment and/or how it works. Generally, most people follow the "Don't care" attitude when it comes to polotics and I really don't blame them. Things are always overcomplicated and seem to be designed so that unless you research or really pay attention, you won't understand one bit of it. It matters because of goverment is one of the people. If people don't put some effort into it, they won't get what they truly need. You can't complain about something if your not willing to do the work that comes with it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ideals Blog Prompts and Assignments

Our team is consists of Alex and I and our game is called: "Civic Duty: 53,595 Infected Lawyers." Our game fits into our catagory as it shows the fundemential aspects of our goverment, Rights and the Admendments and such. Our game shows what rights you have, how you use them, and why they are important.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Helpful Hints: Part 3

------Formatting ActionScript syntax------
1. General formatting guidelines: Use line breaks to make complex statements easier to read.
2. Writing conditional statements: Place conditions on separate lines in if, else..if, and if..else statements.
3. Writing compound statements: Place braces around each statement when it is part of a control structure (if..else or for), even if it contains only a single statement. Keeps it organised and easy to fix if needed.
4. Writing a for statement: Include a space following each expression in a for statement.
5. Writing return statements: Don't use parentheses [()] with any return statements that have values.

Helpful Hints: Part 2

1. Writing good comments: Use block comments for multiline comments and single-line comments for short comments.
2. Adding comments to classes: Use block, single-line, and trailing comments within the body of your class to comment on your ActionScript code.
3. Keeping your ActionScript code in one place: If you put your ActionScript code in a frame script, put the ActionScript code on the first or second frame on the Timeline, in a layer called Actions, which is the first or second layer on the Timeline. Makes it easier to fix errors.
4. Attaching code to objects: You must avoid attaching ActionScript code to objects. Makes it difficult to find errors.
5. About variables and scope: Understanding variable scope is important when you develop Flash applications with ActionScript. Scope indicates not only when and where you can refer to variables but also for how long a particular variable exists in an application.
6. ActionScript and Flash Player optimization: If you compile a SWF file that contains ActionScript 2.0 with publish settings ActionScript 1.0, your code functions as long as it does not use ActionScript 2.0 classes.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Helpful Hints: Part 1

  1. General Naming: Use abbreviations consistently. An abbreviation must clearly stand for only one thing and Use Descriptive Terms so you can easily follow and remember.
  2. Avoiding Reserved Words: Don't use reserved terms for the names of your Variables, otherwise it may cause errors.
  3. Naming Variables: Give each Variable a Unique Name and make sure not to use an obsolete code.
  4. Naming Constants: Constants should be Upper Case
  5. Naming Boolean Variables: Start Boolean variables with the word "is"
  6. Functions and Methods: Use descriptive names, Start function and method names with a lowercase letter, Describe what value is being determined.
  7. Naming classes and objects: Begin with a capital letter
  8. Naming Packages: Put Prefixes in Lowercase Letters
  9. Naming Interfaces: Start Interfaces with a capital "I" Makes it easier to distinguish
  10. Naming Custom Components: Be Consistent

Week in Review 1/25 - 1/29

This week was the start of Multimedia II. We worked on Drag & Drop and the Testing and Debugging sections of our Wiki's. It went pretty well. Drag & Drop is pretty simple to use. Testing And Debugging is really boring and complicated though..

Monday, January 25, 2010

Week in Review 1/19 - 1/22

This was our final week of first semester. We finished up exams and figured out our new semester. Mulitmedia II starts Monday and we will contiune to work on our Civic game as well as indivudial games.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Week in Review 1/11 - 1/15

This week was spent on recording our presentation for our games. Overall it went pretty well. The presentations are going to count as our Semester Exam grades. Multimeida is coming to a close. Second Semester starts in two weeks. We are still working on our Civic Games.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week in Review 12/14 - 12/18 (Questions)

1.Have you completed any additional Civics Research for your games?

2.Have you changed your games, if so what educational value does the game possess?
Yup, we've changed it numerous times. The game's educational values relates to the Amendments.

3.What problems, if any did you encounter this week?
No problems.

Week in Review 12/14 - 12/18

This week was spent on our Civic Games PowerPoints. I pretty much got the layout done, as my partner is absent, I haven't gotten a whole lot of it done.