Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/09 - Civic Games Reviews

  1. American Symbols Game: Simple enough, nothing really stands out. If nothing is memorable, then its hard to take something away from it. 3/5
  2. Bill of Rights Match Game: You gain more out of it, but you need a pretty detalied knowledge of the Bill of Rights to really grasp the concept. 3/5
  3. Geography America: Good way to learn the states! 4/5
  4. Redistricting Game: Complicated but somewhat enjoyable 3/5
  5. Branches of Goverment: Simple but honestly, kinda boring. 2/5
  6. There should be a Law: Pretty good, helps you remember understand how Congress works at least a little bit more. 4/5
  7. Pick 12: Good detail, but over did it much? 3/5
  8. Play the News: A mess of a game, may be fixable. If they would elaborate on details a litte bit more. 1/5
  9. Bump the Birds: Not bad, I enjoyed the RPG aspect. A general knowledge of how election's work would be a good idea. 4/5

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