Friday, September 25, 2009

Most Important - Code

Although it wasn't discussed in depth, the code seems to be the most important. Most of the other aspects have some leeway and allow you to play around. The code however, has to be perfect right down to a tee. It's really aggravating!

9/20 - 9/25 Mulitmedia Progress

Well, this week was pretty insane. Almost EVERY day, we had trouble with the code. It seems to be incredibly finicky. It's has to go in a certain order, with certain requirements, and its also case sensitive. Honestly, it would be much better to have a lot of leeway with this. Considering this is our first experience with the program. It would also be nice if the Wiki wasn't so Vague!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Civic Game - City Scape

This is a city building game. You are assigned at city and must prorperly care for all aspects. From crime, health, education, and overall well being. You must decide which aspects are truly important while trying to improve everything overall.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Video Post

This is a video I made. Sailor Battle : Yggdra Sortie

(Note: This video DOES follow all copyright and permission standards.)
(I did do a background check for reasons stated above.)

Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/09 - Civic Games Reviews

  1. American Symbols Game: Simple enough, nothing really stands out. If nothing is memorable, then its hard to take something away from it. 3/5
  2. Bill of Rights Match Game: You gain more out of it, but you need a pretty detalied knowledge of the Bill of Rights to really grasp the concept. 3/5
  3. Geography America: Good way to learn the states! 4/5
  4. Redistricting Game: Complicated but somewhat enjoyable 3/5
  5. Branches of Goverment: Simple but honestly, kinda boring. 2/5
  6. There should be a Law: Pretty good, helps you remember understand how Congress works at least a little bit more. 4/5
  7. Pick 12: Good detail, but over did it much? 3/5
  8. Play the News: A mess of a game, may be fixable. If they would elaborate on details a litte bit more. 1/5
  9. Bump the Birds: Not bad, I enjoyed the RPG aspect. A general knowledge of how election's work would be a good idea. 4/5

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Favorite Game Genres / Wish to Make

My two favorite gaming genres would have to be Survival and Role Playing Games. I would love to make one of each.

Most Diffucult - Video

I found the hardest part to be posting a video that doesn't contain copyright infringement as well as other aspects. Making your own video required a lot more effort than I would have imagined. Yay!

Great Flash Information.

for some useful information!